No staking system is perfect. Some (Martingale et al.) are not even close. However, Kelly Criterion is proven to be the best way to grow your wealth. John L. Kelly was a colleague of the inventor of information theory, Claude Shannon. Kelly used information theory to show the optimal way to grow a bankroll.
The Kelly Criterion formula tells the trader the optimal bankroll percentage to risk. Percentage stakes is superior to level stakes but choose to high or too low a percentage and you will not profit as much from a winning system as you can with Kelly.
Here is a by no means complete list of Kelly Criterion citations, starting with Kelly's seminal work.
Kelly, John. "A new interpretation of information rate." IRE Transactions on Information Theory 2.3 (1956): 185-189.
Breiman, L. "Optimal gambling systems for favorable games." The Kelly Capital Growth Investment Criterion: Theory and Practice (2011): 47-60.
Chapman, S. J. "The Kelly criterion for spread bets." IMA journal of applied mathematics 72.1 (2007): 43-51.
Noon, Edmund. "Extending Kelly Staking Strategies to Peer-to-Peer Betting Exchanges." (2014).
Noon, Edmund, William J. Knottenbelt, and Daniel Kuhn. "Kelly's fractional staking updated for betting exchanges." IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 24.3 (2013): 283-299.
Noon, Edmund, and W. Knottenbelt. "Market making with an inverse Kelly strategy." 4th International Conference on Mathematics in Sport. 2013.
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