Leighton Vaughan Williams - citations

Professor Leighton Vaughan Williams is the UK's answer to Professor William Ziemba. Vaughan Williams too is a prolific writer in the field of sports gambling. He can also be seen on television or heard on the radio when a bite is required on the matter of sports prediction and betting.

Some of the following citations can be found on Google Scholar and downloaded, in PDF format, for your research. Papers not available for download will have to be photocopied from the cited publication at a university library. You might also try JSTOR, a repository for many journals, but this will require a subscription fee to perform downloads.

The professor has also written books on sports betting and more scholarly works on sports/finance.


Parke, J., et al. "An Exploratory Investigation into the Attitudes and Behaviours of Internet Casino and Poker Players." Report commissioned by eCOGRA (2007).

Williams, Leighton Vaughan. "Can Bettors Win?." World Economics 2.1 (2001): 31-48.

Smith, Michael A., David Paton, and Leighton Vaughan-Williams. "Costs, biases and betting markets: new evidence." Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham Business School, Economics Division Working Papers 2004/5 (2004).

Paton, David, and Leighton Vaughan Williams. "Monopoly rents and price fixing in betting markets." Review of Industrial Organization 19.3 (2001): 265-278.

Williams, Leighton Vaughan. "Can forecasters forecast successfully? Evidence from UK betting markets." Journal of Forecasting 19.6 (2000): 505-513.

Smith, Michael A., and Leighton Vaughan Williams. "Forecasting horse race outcomes: New evidence on odds bias in UK betting markets." International Journal of Forecasting 26.3 (2010): 543-550.

Paton, David, Leighton Vaughan Williams, and Stuart Fraser. "Regulating insider trading in betting markets." Bulletin of Economic Research 51.3 (1999): 237-241.

Vaughan-Williams, Leighton. "The economics of gambling." (2005).

Williams, Leighton Vaughan, ed. "Prediction markets: Theory and applications." (2011).

Williams, Leighton Vaughan, and David Paton. "Does information efficiency require a perception of information inefficiency?." Applied Economics Letters 4.10 (1997): 615-617.

Smith, Michael A., David Paton, and Leighton Vaughan Williams. "Do bookmakers possess superior skills to bettors in predicting outcomes?." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 71.2 (2009): 539-549.

Paton, David, and Leighton Vaughan Williams. "Forecasting outcomes in spread betting markets: can bettors use ‘quarbs’ to beat the book?." Journal of Forecasting 24.2 (2005): 139-154.

Paton, David, and Leighton Vaughan Williams. "Do betting costs explain betting biases?." Applied Economics Letters 5.5 (1998): 333-335.

Williams, Leighton Vaughan, ed. "Information efficiency in financial and betting markets." (2005).

Smith, Michael A., David Paton, and Leighton Vaughan Williams. "Market Efficiency in Person‐to‐Person Betting." Economica 73.292 (2006): 673-689.

Williams, Leighton Vaughan, and David Paton. "Why are some favourite-longshot biases positive and others negative?." Applied Economics 30.11 (1998): 1505-1510.

Williams, Leighton Vaughan, and David Paton. "Why is there a favourite-longshot bias in British racetrack betting markets?." Economic Journal 107.440 (1997): 150-58.

Williams, Leighton Vaughan. "Information efficiency in betting markets: A survey." Bulletin of Economic Research 51.1 (1999): 1-39.